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Freethinkers at Virginia Tech
Meeting Information
Meetings are held every Tuesday at 8PM. The first meeting will be on January 22nd, in Squires 219. The best way to keep up with club activities is to join our Facebook group.
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Our Club
Freethinkers at Virginia Tech is a student organization comprised of individuals interested in promoting and applying freethought. In addition to social outings to interesting movies, speakers, and debates, we meet every Tuesday to hold lively discussions on religious, scientific, and philosophical topics. All are welcome to attend, and anyone who grounds their opinions in critical thinking and logic is welcome to contribute!
Freethought is the application of critical thinking and logic to all areas of human experience. For many freethinkers, this leads to the rejection of supernatural and authoritarian beliefs. Freethinkers value rational and myrickcomputer.com scientific inquiry, individual freedom and responsibility, and the need for tolerance and cooperation. Freethought is thought unconstrained by deference to authority. Freethinkers include, among others, atheists, agnostics, deists, humanists, sceptics, and rationalists.
We also want to stress that Free@VT encourages all members of the local community to participate in its activities, regardless of their beliefs. In other words, all are welcome.
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